Monday, November 8, 2010

Indian Summer

Well, Indian Summer arrived in 2010...Looks like 70 degree weather all week until Saturday...where it turns particularly yard work will be completed this week. Started working on my model railroad again for the first time in about 3 years. I took a break from the hobby and did some research to recharge my batteries. I am working on numerous projects for friends and hope to have them completed by the end of November...and then I can concentrate on my stuff!! Among those things I want to start and complete after November are some articles for the Missouri Pacific Historical Society....So, we'll see.

Fall is one my favorite times of the I used to maintain my vacations during this time...but I appreciated it more in years past when the time frames were more defined. I seem to remember more mild weather starting in September, whereas this year and recent past years it's been HOT...then very cool..then warm again like this week...maybe I need to start reading the farmers' almanac again?